+91 8989496905



Health & Safety

SHREE SAI BIOTECH (C.M) has evolved from being a vendor to becoming a partner of choice. state-of-the-art R&D centres located at INDORE and continuously work towards New Product Development Process Optimization and Scale-up Life Cycle Technology Management A latest addition to our research capabilities is a large state-of-the-art digitised research and technology centre at INDORE. Our strategic focus is to become a reference in speciality chemicals and pharmaceuticals globally. In the long-run, we aim to further embrace open innovation and create a purposeful and sustainable organisation. Backed by our expertise, technical know-how, experience and resources, we are ready to embrace growth opportunities and play a pivotal role in cementing our presence in the global chemical industry.

Process Chemistry Infrastructure

Reaction workstations are established to conduct various unit reactions Process Chemistry Capability and Infrastructure Our facility in INDORE is a fully paperless laboratory and utilises the Electronic Laboratory Notebook system for day to day experimental data capturing. Availability of such online database for different chemistries helps our scientists with ready access to intelligent past knowledge and experimental insights avoiding duplication of work and allows our team to learn from the past speedily. Other advantages include seamless inter-departmental communication, confidentiality and security of data leading to ISO 9001:2015 accreditation of our R&D facility at Mahape.

Process safety Studies

We believe in developing inherently safe processes. We have a state-of-theart Process Safety Laboratory and expertise located close to the Process Chemistry lab to make such inherently safe process development possible. Our Process Safety Laboratory consists of the following data generation capability and infrastructure. There are essentially four major hazards in chemical processing: Health and environment hazards are identified through the in-house SDS generated through GHS + GPM compliant software. Based on the business requirement, a dedicated team of scientists develops certain strategic chemistries contributing towards multiple growth projects. Following strategic chemistries are being developed


At AIL, we initiate every project in R&D through a programme management system to enable an efficient flow from new enquiry to commercialisation. It enables the deployment of suitable resources for various activities, ensuring a methodical execution and its evaluation. Unexpected contingencies are provisioned for, while any deviations are anticipated and mitigated on time. The process also helps us to generate and communicate the expected timelines of the project to the stakeholders effectively.