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Herbal Bath Powder: Prepare herbal bath powder from Ayurvedic herbs like sandalwood and basil and make your body and mind fragrant.

We all leave no stone unturned in facial skin care, but when it comes to hands, feet and other body skin, we are completely careless towards them. Whereas during the summer season, the skin of your entire body needs special care. Most people use chemical-rich soap on the skin. Whose harsh ingredients make the skin dry. Their effect is not visible immediately, but with increasing age they start showing their effect.

In summer, sweat, dust and other pollutants can cause body odor. For this, instead of using harsh soaps containing chemicals, it is better to make and use herbal bath powder for yourself.

Asteraceae – Thistles


Above: Spear Thistle, Cirsium vulgare. Thistles of the genus Cirsium are Plume Thistles, so-called because the fruit has a pappus (modified sepals) of feathery hairs (that is the main shift of each hair bears obvious side-branches). In other genera of thistles (CarduusOnopordum and Silybum) the pappus hairs are simple (that is unbranched, though they may bear short protuberances). The pappus acts as a parachute to reduce the terminal velocity of the falling achene so that wind has longer to act on the fruit and disperse it. Experiments by Sheldon and Burrows (1973) have shown that the terminal velocity of free-falling achenes is dependent largely on the ratio of pappus diameter to achene diameter, such that the higher this ratio the slower the achene descends and the further it is dispersed by gusts of wind. However, additional factors include the efficiency of the pappus: a pappus with branched hairs, a greater number of hairs or with several concentric circles of hairs are more efficient in causing drag and achenes with these types of pappus descend more slowly. For example, the pappus of Sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus, not a true thistle) is particularly efficient and so is able to disperse well with a small pappus, as is the pappus of Marsh Thistle, Cirsium palustre. The achene of Creeping Thistle, Cirsium arvense, achieves a particularly low terminal velocity (about 20 cm/s).

The spear Thistle is a native to most of Europe, western Asia, Pakistan, China and north Africa, but has been introduced and naturalised in the USA, Australia and other parts of Africa. It is the national flower of Scotland. This thistle reaches 1.5 m in height. A single 1 m specimen with 89 capitula (flower heads) produced an estimated 18 800 seeds, based on the assumption of 211 seeds per capitulum which was the measured mean (Michaux, 1989). A study of seed dispersal in this same individual plant showed that 91% of the achenes landed within 1.5 m of the 1 m plant (Michaux, 1989). The pappus hairs of Plume Thistles each have their own pulvinus joint, allowing movement of the pappus, enabling it to open out when the involucre opens and dispersal takes place (see review in Sheldon and Burrows, 1973). Spreading of the pappus possibly loosens the achenes from the capitulum and increases the likelihood of capture by teh wind and escape from the involucre.



  • Caffeine is a drug that stimulates (increases the activity of) your brain and nervous system.
  • Caffeine is found in many drinks such as coffee, tea, soft drinks and energy drinks. Chocolate also contains caffeine.
  • Energy drinks often have more caffeine and sugar than soft drinks.
  • Pregnant women, athletes and children should limit their caffeine intake.

Why not use herbal bath powder instead of your chemical soap. Today with Health Shots we will know how the use of chemical based soap can affect the skin. You will also learn how to make Ayurvedic bathing powder.

Ayurveda expert Dr. SSb has explained the method of making Herbal Bath powder through her Instagram post, and has also explained how it works. Then replace your Horsch soap with this today.

Due to the availability of nutrients, some foods are called superfoods. Superfoods, once used as a marketing gimmick, have now become essential for a healthy lifestyle. In the year 2023, many superfoods have been widely used to boost the immune system and keep the body healthy. Nutritionists are telling about these 5 top superfoods.There are many forms in which herbs can be administered, the most common of which is a liquid consumed as a herbal tea or a (possibly diluted) plant extract.[